Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Year Anniversary

Before we get to sports news, somwhow Michelle and I just completed our fisrt year of marriage! It has gone by so fast I cannot believe it. I am a very lucky man and to all those who are supporting us....a big thank you....

On to the sports and I have to say MLB is getting greedier and greedier all the time...first to make the fans of Phiily (and those who were there for the Devil Rays) wait in the freezing cold Saturday night until 10pm local time to start a game that ended at 1:47 am was horrid but then for Bud Selig to determine he had the authority to change the rules of baseball during the World Series....that was even worse....the NY Post Post ran a story October 28 that the Vegas b00kmakers paid off on the rules baseball that the Phillies won, based on the fact if a game is called in the middle of an inning the score reverts to the last complete inning, which had the Phillies winning 2-1 after 5 innings which is an official game.....if the Yankees were getting screwed like this a lot of us would be screaming holy hell....but we all know if the Red Sox were winning like the Phillies were the parade would have been held today.....the incredulousness of Bud Selig to say he has the authority to change the rules in the middle of the game....and more so to me the lack of outrage by not only the Phillies owners, but all other owners and anyone else I think is reprehensible....as a teacher and a coach of middle school aged kids I preach to them to follow the rules or face the consequences....we need only look at baseball, a supposed kids game, which is now run by the money it recieves from Fox sports, to wonder why rule following does not happen so much in our world today.....

1 comment:

Robby said...

Would you favor some type of penalty for individual players who commit a penalty and are not caught but do not volunteer the committal of said penalty? For example, if a football player commits an egregious facemask penalty and the referees do not catch it, should the offending player have to admit to it or face some type of additinoal penalty?